Roles of media in educating citizen at Kampot and The environment matter and social development at tourist side around province.


The media can be considered a combination of content—music, films, TV, radio, publishing, advertisements, and electronic games—along with associated techno-logical devices. Over time what constitutes “the media” has both expanded and proliferated. This is because the media have been closely entwined with technological changes—the consequences of which have affected content, platforms, and devices on centuries-long virtuous circle. These developments have also provided for various ownership opportunities and new business models (Exekwesilli, 2011).

Development cannot happen in isolation whether it may be in micro or macro level. So there is a need for a strong tool to connect people instantly so that the knowledge transfer is never ending and instant. Media for development uses to convey messages on issues such as health care, poverty reduction, good governance, environmental protection and community development, socio-economic and cultural development. Today the world is becoming a small place to live in and share knowledge, ideas and passing over valuable culture to the next generation, all the above said things is possible through social networking and media  (Lockey, 2008). Every aspect in the society has positive and negative externalities so we need to see how these negative externalities can be balanced and surpassed through positive externalities to reach development in all dimensions. For the study, survey was conducted with sub-ministry of the information, non-government working closely in media, as primary data. Keywords: Development, Social, Media, Environmental.

This paper assesses the impact the media have on the social development process. Because the media can be used and delivered in so many ways, there is no single means of analyzing its contributions to development. Thus, the paper presents a range of storylines with the common thread being the media’s role in development. The paper also discusses older and newer trends in the relationship between the media and development, and how they might impact developing countries.


Foremost, we would like to express sincere gratitude to our Professor. Eng Kimsan for the continuous support our subject’s Global Environmental Awareness, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm and immerse knowledge. 

Our report would not have been possible without the kind attention and assistance of the Ministry of Information and Non-government organization. The researchers would like to thank to our friends for their invaluable support and always been providing encouragement to our study.

Meanwhile, the researchers would also like to show our sincere gratitude to Administration Department of Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia (PUC) who gave us the accessing letter for researching at Kampot province.

Lastly, the researchers wish to tender the wholehearted thank to our parents who fed, financially and emotionally supported, and provided us with moral inspiration and always-encouragement. Without their contribution, our study would not have been materialized. 


In this paper, a project to deal with a Roles of media in educating citizen at Kampot and The environment matter and social development at tourist side around province. A project planning will be discussed in the purpose of dealing with a practical and keys challenge solution implementation, which are analyzing broadcasting policy, role, regulation (local & sub-reginal, national), look for good policy perspective, design framework and mechanism on media influence and the change perception, and the quick overview of various stakeholders from difference institutions in Kampot province.

However, this ambitious goal is not easy to attain, but it also does not mean it is not possible to fulfil. This research will serve as a case study to test for Roles of media in educating citizen at Kampot and The environment matter and social development.

The major problem and question this research aims to address is:

§  What are the role of media educating to people about environment, development, and issue in province?

§  What are the broadcasting policy, role of media to reduce and end up the issue?

§  What the effectiveness and efficiency the role and regulation policy perspective to applying?

§  How to design media for benefit of the citizen in the province, institutions, and private sectors?

1.     Objectives of Research

This senior project research aims at:   

  • Determine the keys challenges level of The Roles of media in educating to citizens at Kompot province and about environmental matter and social development.
  • Figure out and analyze keys challenges of media situation in context of environmental issue and development for the effectiveness and efficiency solution.
  • To provide recommendation to relevant stakeholders from state policy and management perspective.

2.      Significance of the Proposed Study

The outcome of this study serves as:

  •  Applying the relevant policy and management perspective to the province institutions and local private business sectors.
  • A review material for the next generation of research paper.

2.1 Scope and Limitation of the Proposed Study

2.2 Scope of the proposed study

This research studies only The Roles of media in educating to citizens at Kampot about environmental matter and social development. Other aspects such as services would not be covered by this research. In other words, the research will mainly address The Roles of media in educating citizens at Kampot about environmental matter and social development such as:

  • The Roles of media in education on citizens
  • Environmental matter in tourist sides
  • Social development on theme of media broadcasting
  • New policy and management perspective on media  

2.3 Limitation of the proposed study

The study encounters both time and financial resource constraints; therefore, a small number, but scientifically accepted, of observation samples were used as resources for this research paper.

3.      Organization of the Proposed Study

This paper is divided into four chapters, shown as follows:

I.                   Abstract

II.                Acknowledgement

  • Chapter 01: Background of the study
  • Chapter 02: Literature Review and Methodology
  • Chapter 03: Research paper Activities
  • Chapter 04: Research Finding and Analysis
  • Chapter 05: Conclusion and Recommendation 

4.     Research Timeframe

The research timeframe will carry out for 12 weeks with the following tentative itinerary:

ü  Day 01: Seeking approval latter form Administration Department of PUC for field work

ü  Day 05 and 10: Background study and review tools of research and related literature

ü  Day 12: Design survey questionnaire and interview question and go to Community

ü  Day 13 and 16: Data collection from community and analyzing

ü  Day 17 to 25: Research paper writing


Exekwesilli. (2011, February). Role of social media on development. p. 67.

Lockey, G. (2008). The Media and Development. Washingto,D.C.: The World Bank.




















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