The International School- Process of Staff Recruitment

Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia

Course Title: Human Resource Development and Management

Topic: The Process of Staff Recruitment

Academic Year 2019


Table Content

I.     Introduction. 3

II. Data Collection Method. 3

III. Finding: Case Description. 3

IV. Discussion: SWOT Analysis. 5

1.    Opportunities. 5

2.    Strength. 5

3.    Weakness. 5

4.    Threats. 6

V. Conclusion and Recommendations. 6

Appendix. 7


I.                  Introduction

The International Schools always welcome applications for various positions, including teachers of all levels, administrative personnel, accounting personnel, academic personnel, and Human Resource personnel with no prejudice. As the International School grows, the school looks for motivated and dedicated individuals with demonstrated experience, a commitment to excellence, and a willingness to embrace the school’s mission and values. In order to achieve the school objective and mission unless the staffs, teachers have to be fully of experience and skills to provide a good input to the students and doing a good operating to enhance the school’s works to get more efficiency and effectively. In this case study project concluded with the methods of data collections, the recruitment process, SWOT analysis, and conclusion and recommendation. There are some extra finding documents which are Cambodia Labor Law with the articles related, job evaluation form, foreign policy work permit policy, and many others policies that beneficial to the employees but we will not take into study. It is in our appendix. We hope that in this small case study research can be an idea for strengthening the school recruitment process in order to get a good staffs or asset to their institution.

II. Data Collection Method

Our group uses quantitative methods in order to collect information to fulfill the case study report. Firstly, we create questionnaires, and there are eleven questions. Second, we went to interview the Human Resource and Academic Supervisor with sound recording. We spent about 40 minutes on interviewing and the questionnaires will put on, in the case finding below.

III. Finding: Case Description

In order to recruit the staff; the school has several stages to process.  The first of all, the school needs to know who will join the interview. Second, he or she has to understand what the goal and criteria of interview. He/she supposed to know how to interview the candidate. Third, the school needs the interviewers who have had experiences in recruitment. He/ she knows clearly the school’s policy, benefits Regulations, and he or she can read the candidates and people. He/ she needs to be skillful in conducting an interview.

Who should be involved?

Interviewers can be managers or supervisors of each department that need the staff, and including the HR manager needs to attend in the first interview. It also can be the school principal for the second interview. After that, candidates need to trial the work one or two days with homeroom teachers or any department that need the staff for the third condition.

Training for those involved

          Internal staff involved in training who have a lot of experiences interview.

          Sometimes school sends the interviewer to learn more about how to conduct effective interviews.

1.     What are the processes of your company recruitment?

Finding: According to the academic supervisor and Human Resource said that the head of the department needs to check how many staff who are resigned and then how many staff needs to recruit in order to replace the old staff. After that, He/she needs to inform the School Principal or Human Resource.

2.     Who is writing the job description of each position?

Finding: Head of Departments need to join the Job Description of the position

3.     Who processes the document for a post on Websites of Job Announcement?

Finding: Before school posts job announcements, Human Resource (HR), School Principal, and Head of Departments need to discuss which Websites of Job Announcement want to post first. After they get the agreement from each other, then Human resources will process the document website of Job Announcement.

4.    How to collect candidates’ documents?

Finding:   After posted on websites, if candidates apply to school, HR informs to Head of Departments should select this/that candidates or not. In addition, Human Resource needs to collect all candidates’ documents such as Curriculum Vitae (CV), Resident, Certificates, and other things related.

5. Who informs candidates to come interview?

Finding:  Human Resource or Assistant Head of Departments need to call or send Emails to inform candidates and set the date to interview. If a candidate passed the first interview, the next Human Resource set the second interview with the school principal. 

6.       What kind of criteria are procedures for interview?

Finding: Before an interview candidate, Human Resource needs to have the form/criteria of an interview, paper test, and job interview evaluation form. 

IV. Discussion: SWOT Analysis

School needs human resources with a high quality of education in general knowledge, specific skills in order to benefit for institution and good resources for the country.

-          The school needs staff who is patient, creative, talented, and have earned years of experience in teaching children.

-          The potential candidate should be qualified, experienced with the capability to take the responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the organization.

-          The school needs to improve human resources to clear goals in order to achieve the purpose of enhancing the quality of success in the future.

1.      Opportunities

       The local private school has an attractive place and has a good reputation for the school.

       The quality and processing of academics is high standards.

       School has good environment equipped with good facilities for all students

2.      Strength

       Interviewers are knowledgeable and full of experiences.

       Get potential candidates with quality when the school follows the right procedures.

       Candidates are full of knowledge and can work effectively.

       The recruiter chooses the most qualified candidate from the entire pool of applicants.

3.      Weakness

       Hard to find good potential candidates who reach school standards and difficult to retention.

       Sometimes the candidates do not pass the probation because they cannot hold the work that school gives to them.

       The institution has made the recruiting process too complicated, so they cannot follow the role or policies.

       useless time for interviewer and training if candidate doesn’t any experience.




4.      Threats

Some positions are needed from many International School and candidates have choices in accordance with a salary high and low and working hour less or over so that the candidate will choose which kind of places can work for. Some position selects only females

V. Conclusion and Recommendations

Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting potential candidates for filling up the vacant positions in an organization. It sources the candidates with the abilities and attitude, which are required for achieving the objectives of an organization. There are involving some steps in order to recruit the staff through strategic context like identifying the job vacancy, analyzing the job requirements, reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right candidate. It helps the organization to choose the right candidates to work for developing an organization.

All applicants are expected to be interviewed by the respective Department Officer and at least one more interviewer. This form also serves as a question guide but bear in mind that not all criteria are valid for each position as it is concerned primarily for academic and administrative staff. There are some criteria that can make the candidate or staff able to be prosperous in recruitment randomly

       Take time to train new staff who recruit from outside.

       He/she should be wearing clothes or dresses in well uniform.

       Using body language, eye contact, face to face, and speak confidently

       Their English must be proficiency and fluency and they have the ability to work in team and challenges in group work. They are responsible for their working with strong commitment, honesty and dedication to the company or institution.

       They should have self-confidence, propose a new thing and creativeness.

       Share experiences and explore better solutions to the global issue of quality education in the team.

       Being independent, but flexible with the situation

       Being serious and patient with given work







Article 12: Except for the provisions fully expressing under this law, or in any other legislative text or regulation protecting women and children, as well as provisions relating to the entry and stay of foreigners, no employer shall consider on account of: race, color, sex, creed, religion, political opinion, birth, social origin, membership of workers' union or the exercise of union activities; To be the invocation in order to make a decision on: hiring, defining and assigning of work, vocational training, advancement, promotion, remuneration, granting of social benefits, discipline or termination of employment contract. Distinctions, rejections, or acceptances based on qualifications required for a specific job shall not be considered as discrimination.

Signing and execution of a labor contract

Article 65:       A labor contract establishes working relations between the worker and the employer. It is subject to common law and can be made in a form that is agreed upon by the contracting parties.  It can be written or verbal. It can be drawn up and signed according to local custom. If it needs registering, this shall be done at no cost.     The verbal contract is considered to be a tacit agreement between the employer and the worker under the conditions laid down by the labor regulations, even if it is not expressly defined.

Article 66:       Everyone can be hired for a specific work on the basis of time, either for a fixed duration or for an undetermined duration.

Article 67:       A labor contract signed with consent for a specific duration must contain a precise finishing date. The labor contract signed with consent for a specific duration cannot be for a period longer than two years. It can be renewed one or more times, as long as the renewal does not surpass the maximum duration of two years. Any violation of this rule leads the contract to become a labor contract of undetermined duration. Sometimes, this contract may have an unspecified date when it is drawn up for:· replacing a worker who is temporarily absent;· work carried out during a season;· occasional periods of extra work or a non-customary activity of the enterprise; This duration is then finished by the return to work of the worker who was temporarily absent or the termination of his labor contract;· the end of the season; the end of the occasional period of extra work or of the non-customary activity of the enterprise at the signing of the contract, the employer must inform the worker of the eventually sensitive issues and the approximate duration of the contract. Contracts without a precise date can be renewed at will as many times as possible without losing their validity. Contracts of daily or hourly workers who are hired for a short-term job and who are paid at the end of the day, the week or fortnight period, are considered to be contracts of fixed duration with an unspecified date. A contract of a fixed duration must be in writing. If not, it becomes a labor contract of undetermined duration. When a contract is signed for a fixed period of or less than two years, but the work tacitly and quietly continues after the end of the fixed period, the contract becomes a labor contract of undetermined duration.



























CANDIDATE’s NAME: _________________      ___  POSITION:__________________        DATE:__________

All applicants are expected to be interviewed by the respective Department Officer and at least one more interviewer. Please place an X in the appropriate box and make further comments at the end of the evaluation form. This form also serves as a question guide but bear in mind that not all criteria are valid for each position as it is concerned primarily for academic and administrative staff.
















Body Language





Eye Contact










English Proficiency










Ability to work in a team























































Understanding of customer care/integration of parents





Handling of critical customer contact situation
















Relevant experience





Additional relevant skills in Computer/Research/Marketing, etc.





Additional contribution to the organization (added value)










Understanding of effective and efficient working





Mutual support/transparency/honesty/reliability










Vocation for field of application





Knowledge of Organization





Long-term Commitment










Potential to grow





Match employer's needs























NAME: _______________         SIGNATURE: ________________        DATE: _________


Foreign Employee Work Permit Policy

1. Foreign employees must have a valid visa and work permit issued by the Ministry of Labor, which is to be held by the school until the end of the employment period.


2.0  New employees must begin to process the application for a work permit within their probation period.

3.0  Current employees must renew the work permits annually.

4.0  The employer facilitates support in the application process through the administration office.

5.0  Processing the Work Permit:

The Application for permanent work permit shall be sent to the Ministry of Labor.

5.1   Attached with passport or any equivalent documents with valid visas.

5.2.   4 Photograph (3×4), taken in the front without hat or glasses.

5.3   Signature on application:

     Form of work permit,

     Work agreement (3 copies)

     Foreign employment card

5.4  The annual fee for work permits is 100 USD according to official regulations. Other fees (medical check-up, processing fees) may apply. All fees are to be paid by the employee.

 6.0  All employees’ work permits must be kept within the employer by the HR officer.

7.0  Work permits will be given to employees when their employment contract ends.

 8.0  Employees who do not comply with this policy are not eligible for employment by the school




  __________________              __________________                         ________________


School Director                            Vice- Chairman of BoD              Chairman of BoD




Revised: June 2015

Benefits Regulations


Policy – Health and Work Accident Insurance

1.       All full-time staff employed at CIA receives 150 USD health care benefits per school year, or 75 USD per semester. If not used, the health care benefit will be paid to the employee by the end of each semester.

2.       CIA FIRST pays a monthly fee for each employee to the NSSF for occupational accident insurance. This fee is deducted from the semestral health care benefit.


Policy – Discount on registration and tuition fees for own children of employees

The following is applicable to full-time staff only. It serves merely as a guideline and is subject to the employee’s performance, the availability of space in the respective grade level. In any case the written approval of the Board of Directors on the School Director’s proposal is needed. Any approved discount is only valid during employment with CIA FIRST and is revocable or can be changed any time.


Enrollment for 1st and 2nd child

a.       Beginning of employment: free registration

b.      After 1st year of employment: 25% on tuition fee

c.       After 2nd year of employment: 50% on tuition fee


Enrollment for 3rd child

d.      Beginning of employment: free registration

e.      After 1st year of employment: 15% on tuition fee

f.        After 2nd year of employment: 30% on tuition fee


Enrollment for 4th child and more

g.       Beginning of employment: free registration

h.      After 1st year of employment: 10% on tuition fee

i.         After 2nd year of employment: 20% on tuition fee


The year of employment must be fully completed. If staff’s employment started during the school year, the discount will be valid from the next up-coming school year start after completing the year of employment.

No employee will be entitled to any promotion discount for the enrolment of a child if the employee has already gained any kind of fee discount as compensation benefits for the same child. Compensation benefits therefore are not accumulative with any promotion discount, e.g. 3rd child discount.

Any exception of the aforementioned guidelines or additional discount after 3 years of employment need to be approved by the Board of Directors and require special justification.


Policy – Visa and Work Permit Renewal

1.       Only Full-time teachers are entitled to paid visas.

2.       The school will pay the visa costs for the 3rd year of service for teachers who have completed two years of service. The costs will be reimbursed at the end of the Academic Year.

3.       The School Director is authorized to grant the reimbursement in two parts (semestral).


Policy 5.15.7 - Other Benefits

1.       Each full-time employee who is not under probation receives a gratification of 50 USD in case of marriage.

2.       Each employee receives a birthday gratification of 10 USD if the birthday falls into the employment period.



        __________________                            __________________                                 ________________

   School Director                                 Chairman                                       Vice-Chairman







Policy 5.20 to 5.22 - Paid Leave Regulations


 Policy 5.20.1 – Sick Leave

1.      All full-time staff receives 5 days paid sick leave for each illness related absence of more than daily 4 hours if the medical certificate is presented for each day applied for.

2.      Illness related absences of less than 4 hours on a working day (Mo. to Fr.) are considered half day sick leave.

3.      Illness related absence on a Saturday is considered 1 full day absence and 1 full day sick leave will be deducted.

4.      idA medical certificate (not only an invoice of a pharmacy) must be attached to the leave request form in order to consider the leave day(s) as sick leave. If this certificate is missing the absence day(s) will be discounted from the remaining paid leave days. If there isn’t any paid leave day left, the absent day(s) will be conducted from the next paycheck.

5.      No full-time staff is entitled to any sick leave during the 3 month probation period.

6.      Paid sick days are not transferable to the following employment or school year.

7.      Paid sick leave days are not cashable.

8.      Any exception to these rules must be agreed with school director.

 Policy 5.21.1 – Maternity Leave and Breast Feeding

1.      All female employees are entitled to maternity leave.

2.      During the maternity leave women are entitled to half of their wage, including their perquisites, paid by the employer.

3.      For one year from the date of child delivery, mothers who breast-feed their children are entitled to one hour per day during working hours to breast-feed their children. This hour may be divided into two periods of thirty minutes each. The details must be agreed with the school director.

        Policy 5.22.1 – Annual Leave and Marriage Leave

All full-time staff receives annual paid leave according to the following regulations:

1.      Staff with working hours of 40 to 48h per week = 1,5 days per month (18 days/full year)

2.      Teachers = 15 days per school year (1,5 days/month).

3.  All part-time staff, excluding hourly paid teachers, are entitled to 5 days paid annual leave per school year (0,5 days per month). These 5 days are not cashable when the employment ends.

4.  Annual leave shall be applied for and is subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor and school director. Annual Leave is to be applied for at least two weeks in advance.

5.  The school director or the direct supervisor may reject the application for leave if he/she considers the leave could cause any inconvenience for the school.

6.  Employees may not extend their leave without the express permission of the school director.

7.      No full-time staff is entitled to any paid leave during 3 month probation period.

8.      In case of underdetermined employment contracts only up to six annual leave days are transferable to the following employment year.

9.      In addition to the paid annual leave, full-time staff is granted 3 working days paid leave in case of own marriage.

10.  Any variation from these rules must be agreed with school director.



              __________________                  __________________                                 ________________

School Director                               Vice- Chairman of BoD                   Chairman of BoD































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