English for Communication GESL 3 Final Exam



GESL 3 Final Exam, June 8, 2021


SECTION I: VOCABULARY                                                                                                               

     A. Complete the chart by putting the words of these Food Types in the correct list.                  

B.     Fill in the Blanks

Choose the correct words from the boxes to complete the sentences                                     

0)      What time is it? It’s ten after nine.

C.    Make Sentences                                                                                                                  

Write complete sentences using the words given.                                                                 

0.                  bag (n.)_            I bought a bag of chips yesterday.


A.  Count and Non-Count Nouns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

CComplete the sentences with:       a/an  / some / any                                                        

0)      There is some water in the bottle.

B.  Pronouns                                                                                                                              

Rewrite the sentences with subject and object pronouns.                                                

0)      (My brother) watches TV with (his uncle)

 He watches TV with him.

C.    There is / There are                                                                                                          

Complete the sentences with: there is / isn’t    there are / aren’t    Is there...? / Are there...?

D.    Simple Present and Simple Past                                                                                  

Rewrite the sentences into past tense form.                                                                          


0) She finishes work early.

          She finished work early.

E.     Questions: Simple Present and Simple Past                                                                    

Look at the answers and then complete the questions.                                                          

What time did she disappear?

She disappeared at 1:30.

SECTION III: READING COMPREHENSION                                                      (10 Marks)

Read this passage and circle the best answer.

SECTION IV: WRITING                                                                                      

Choose one of the topics below and write around 50 words about it.

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