The salient features of English language variety spoken by Cambodia

        The salient features of English language variety spoken by Cambodia

English is one of the language, which is worldwide used, 1.5 billion speak English — that's 20% of the world’s population. Among of those people, Cambodia is also one of the country that using English for business communication, educations, tourism and works. The rapidly growth of English learners in Cambodia are noticeable after the collapsed of Khmer Rouge Regime to present day. While the English language trended in Cambodia, there are also many articles, that written by the language linguistic scholars, such as “English language variety in Cambodia” and “How intelligible is Cambodia English variety? A look from foreigners’ perspective”, which are written by a professor of Royal University of Phnom Penh, Keuk Chan Narith.
1.      What are the salient features of English language variety spoken by Cambodia?
2.      What are the factors that have influences such English language variety in Cambodia?
3.      What are the perceptions of non-Cambodia English speakers (both native and non-native English speakers) towards English language use in contemporary Cambodia society?
4.      What strategies have non-Cambodia speakers of English adopted to maintain communication in the Cambodia context?
5.      What are your attitudes towards such development of English language variety in Cambodia?
6.      How do these two research articles contribute to English language teaching and learning in Cambodia? 
The main two salient features of English language variety spoken by Cambodia, are the flowing of the political, military and economic from powerful countries, of the people who speak English language. Cambodia was help from the United Nation Transitional Authority (UNTAC) to support on National Election 1993 to stop civil-war and internal conflict in the country and this have changed language from French to English dramatically. The other main significance point is, international business transaction and non-government organizations’ donors, who speak English language and it emerged to be the popular one among many languages used in Cambodia.
            There have also some factors that influence such English language variety in Cambodia. Firstly, the effect of English language teaching. It is very difficult for non-native English teachers, who are demonstrated their knowledge to the students in both spoken and written, to some extent, non-native speakers teach to non-native learners, and the socio-cultural convention also affect all levels of speech and interpretation of language used in communication. Secondly, Khmer words that are translated into English words that are used for more formal communication as found in daily dialogue, interpretation and in news report writing. The following extract that was taken from the Cambodia Daily, the most popular newspaper written in English in Cambodia. On the other hand, the following are some Khmer, non-English, words, which are transferred into English, and commonly used in communication in English.
            Many foreigners, who are visited and worked in Cambodia do appreciate on Cambodia’s English speakers, example a young boy who sell the souvenirs in Siem Rep province, who can speak more than ten languages included English language. It was viral in social media and now his life was changed. Because of the influence of foreigners, made the English language to more common, familiar and intelligible to many people in Cambodia as well as Tuk Tuk, cars and other tourist drivers. Furthermore, from the researched data by Professor Keuk Chan Narith, “it illustrates the overall picture that more success on communication and the information is supported by the open responses of the participants provided a good view of Cambodia English as “a very clear and understandable English.” Surprisingly highlighted that Cambodians, in urban areas, spoke good English.” These are perceptions of non-Cambodia English speakers towards English language use in contemporary Cambodia society.
            Although English language is well use in Cambodia but it still has some difficulty for non-Cambodia speakers of English adopted to maintain communication in the Cambodian context such as pronunciation, word choice, grammar, and cultural differences. Cambodians used certain speaking or communication strategies during the course of communication. The most useful strategies helping to obtain this were code-switching, English language simplification, and body language. Cambodian speakers did not manipulate words to produce new English words on their own, which does not comply with the rules of native language.
            Since English language is boomed in Cambodia’s society in particular areas. This language also help more Cambodian people to have jobs, developing the way of thinking by unfolding the mindset of people to see how the big world is, changed perception of knowledge in the fields of politic, economic, and others innovative ideas to more extended. In contract, it have some impact of this language influenced. Many young generation, they focus only English language more than Khmer language. Many private schools provided English language based for using and communicating, these are the problems that could be unfamiliar with our own language and now we can see that some youth speak bilingual language, by mixing Khmer and English words to make a communication and for chatting, posting through social media, which make Khmer language to be more endanger state.
            In overall, these two research articles have unfolded many features of language variety in Cambodia. These articles provided the message to all English learners in Cambodia to be aware of the changed of English language in the country and the comment of communication between native speakers and non- native, non-native and non-native with scientific research data in many kinds of field’s work, which are from native and non-native English speakers. These also addressed about implication for ELT in Cambodia by giving some practical idea to be more deeply understanding on the cases of using English language in the country.




    It would be more thing for you to learn

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