Educational Initiative Proposal Directions and Template


Educational Initiative Proposal Directions and Template

Monirith Ly (2019)



Individually or with a classmate, design an educational initiative or service that has never been offered in your chosen location.  Examples include new educational or education-related institutions, new educational programs, new technologies for teaching or educational administration, new community education practices, and new administrative structures in educational institutions.  The idea must be approved by the professor before the proposal writing.  Samples are given to give ideas for the writing of content, but the Educational Initiative Proposal Template provided must be used.  Submit a soft copy of the Educational Initiative Proposal (30 points) and present it to the class (20 points).  One presenter is enough for each Proposal, but presentation points will not be earned if you do not present your Proposal at the assigned time.


[Cover page]

[Title of the Initiative]

[Full Name(s)]



Problem Statement [why the initiative is needed]


Features of the Initiative [what makes this initiative different from the existing services]


Purpose [of the initiative—how it will serve the needs or solve the problem]


Human Resources [needed for the startup and operation]


            Startup [e.g. founder’s and consultants’ responsibilities]


            Operation [staff: size and positions]


Organizational Chart


                        Organizational Structure [each position’s responsibilities]


Environmental Analysis [*See page 5 for detailed directions.]

Opportunities [in the legal, economic, sociocultural, & technological environments]


Risks [in the legal, economic, sociocultural, & technological environments]


Strategic Action Plan [to start the initiative, run the operations, and obtain clients]


Action Plan (AP)2

Responsible Position per AP

AP Implementing Period3

Strategy 1:


AP 1.1:


AP 1.2:




Strategy 2:

AP 2.1:


AP 2.2:





Strategy 3:

AP 3.1:


AP 3.2:




[1May include more than 3 (broad) strategies

2May include more than 2 (specific) action plans in each strategy

3Examples: Month 1 (2, 3, …); Quarter 1 (2, 3, …); Year 1 (2, 3, …)]


Estimated Budget

Startup Capital


Estimated Cost

Breakdown (details)

Expenditure Period3





Human resources








Marketing (including travel)









Monthly Operation Expenditure


Estimated Monthly Cost


From Period3

Human resources




Rent, maintenance, utilities




Marketing (including travel)




Finance (loan repayments)









Expected Revenues/Funding




From Period3


















Request for Approval/Support/Investment [Persuade how the initiative will benefit the institution/donors/investors.]


*Environmental Analysis of LEST Opportunities and Risks

(Adapted from American Management Association)

·         Legal Environment

o   Relevant laws, policies, or regulations

·         Economic Environment

o   National economic trends

o   Employment and income of the target market/beneficiaries

o   Availability and cost of funds

o   Competition

·         Sociocultural Environment

o   Demographic composition of the target market/beneficiaries

o   Patterns and trends in consumer preferences

·         Technological Environment

o   Availability of information technologies and management information systems

o   Access to information and target market/beneficiaries


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