Current issues on English language teaching in Cambodia

Current issues on English language teaching in Cambodia

I.                   Introduction

Since the world becomes globalized, communication, technology, information, culture, and other socio-economical systems are shared and conducted in English. English is used worldwide to meet the job market needs, so language becomes a tool for linking working society to the globalization. English language, it has been observed, has gained a remarkable popularity among Cambodian learners, especially after Cambodia has reintegrated itself into the regional and global community after 1993 general election. The ELT is seen as part of an interdisciplinary curriculum; that communicative competence in internationally spoken English has emerged as a benchmark of success; and that effective teachers are seen as those who master both instructional and intercultural skills, regardless of their status as native or nonnative speakers (Middlecamp, 2017).

This paper will study on “Current issues on English language teaching in Cambodia” which is about the key issue occurred in English Language Teaching (ELT) in classroom in our current day. This research will conduct only some problems and solution technique to respond on the problem. This research paper will stress on the problems through an interviewing from native teacher and non-native English teachers in some university’s campuses in Cambodia that use English teaching based. This paper also attempts to find out more effective solution from various author and scholars who are skillful on English language teaching. These below questions are the scope and purpose of research study.

1.      What is the perspective on ELT’ classroom in Cambodia?

2.      What were the method used by native and non-native teachers in teaching English in university?

3.      What are the common issues in English language teaching in Cambodia?

From all these scope of limitation will impose all related literature and aspects from some authors who have written about these and I will compromise it into this paper in order to get more understanding the phenomena of which teachers and students think to change to get a better way of English language teaching in Cambodia .

II.                Literature Review

            A non-native English-speaking professional’s perspective, gives an overview on the global ELT Field, on English language teaching and learning, English language educators have realized that many new English language learners know two or more languages and English is not their second language anymore. With this awareness, as the educators have to be more professional and challenging with the new trend of teaching methodology by applying technique into their class. In this current world, there are many ways of learning, since the rapidly growth of technology. Many English learners learn by their own, which are videos recorded in YouTube and some others educational language training website, which are more effective and cost saving if we compare to the tuition fee for English class. One of other difficult issue is the teaching approached, which have evolved from using traditional grammar translation methods to communicative language teaching where the focus of language teaching is on the right part of grammar rule, which is not base where we are now (Sun, A Non-navtive English Speaking Professional's Perspective, 2017).

            Today’s ELT classroom is now interdisciplinary. Now many universities are focus on English program, and this require English teachers to use cross curricular, cross disciplinary content in teaching so the student learn both the content and English. English is not viewed an end in itself but as a means to learn subject area knowledge such as history, mathematics and science so far and so force. In terms of teaching content, textbooks and learning materials have more inclusion of multicultural content both from local and global resources to help students gain multiple perspectives and multicultural understandings. Educational program structures are increasingly content-based and topic put together with accentuation with respect to both language and substance learning. The learning results or learning measures are a lot more extensive and incorporates language abilities, however basic reasoning, learning procedures, and related substance information and aptitudes in reality. They emphasize both the learning process and the product. These learning standards / outcomes are guiding the curriculum design and classroom instruction.  Today, standards, accountability, and assessment have become a major focus of the educational reforms in many countries in the world, including Cambodia (Sun, Major Trends in the Global ELT Field, 2017).

            We will now discuss the use of English (both GE and ESP) in relation to English language teaching and learning (ELT) in Cambodia. English is the medium of instruction for the academic community and especially in higher education. English used at schools or universities in their daily lives and this does not include communication in meetings with international participants at the work place. Thus, English usage is socially-driven and institutionalized through teachers’ influences, everyday conversations in teaching and learning, and the perception that it is ‘the people’s choice’, and interactions between students furthermore, remote and Khmer teachers inside and outside study halls. In other words, students agree that English helps them to perform better in their studies. Students also expressed the view that they need English to access information and Internet resources such as reading materials, reference books and journal articles. According to an informant from a Cambodian high school, private schools a pervasive in Phnom Penh and provide English language tuition for students from different levels of education. These institutions are regulated by the government and serve the policy and agenda of providing English language education to students. Schools are told to cooperate with these institutions that handle English language teaching as well as use English as a medium of instruction. They have an important ancillary role in such contexts and their work drives the Cambodian education system (AZIRAH HASHIM, 2014).

III.             Problem Finding

Teachers instructing students in learning English as another language often face with a variety of common and student-specific problems. Instructing students in the English language involves building a student's reading and speaking vocabulary and understanding of written and spoken English language. To facilitate a positive learning atmosphere for students and encourage them to practice and continue to learn the language, teachers should find ways to correct these common problems and reinforce the core information students need to effectively communicate in English.

Going Off Schedule

Teachers of foreign languages may first notice that their lesson plans change over the course of the class. Classes may progress slowly despite your efforts. Students learning a second language often learn at different paces and generally learn material differently. Encouraging students to practice the skills learned in class and incorporating listening exercises, such as learning poems or parts of a favorite story in the new language out of class, students may be able to stay on track with your plan of instruction at a slightly slower rate. Tutoring or other supplemental activities can allow you to assist those students who need extra instruction on some material and maintain a close pace to the schedule you have set.

Using Other Languages

Another noticeable issue for English language teachers is having students fall back on their native language for conversation. It is often easier for students to communicate in their native language instead of English. It is usually frustrating for students to rethink and reword their thoughts into the new language clearly. Diversifying your student groups so that not all of the students in one group speak the same native language will discourage students from reverting to their native language to communicate and encourage them to use the one they have in common.

Real-World Application and Dry, Outdated Text Lessons

Differentiating between in-class speech and real-world speech application can be tricky. Textbooks and in-class material instructing students on the fundamental aspects of the English language and proper grammar can be stilted and very unrealistic in terms of dialogue examples. When students are taught English as a second language, they may assume in-class speech patterns will be the same outside the classroom. Often, textbook language uses more uncommon or outdated terms and phrases, which can confuse and contradict what a textbook show.

Written Versus Spoken English Confusion

Students may be able hear and understand spoken English but confuse sentence structure and grammar when writing the same thing. Grammatical problems in writing is another problem teacher face in teaching English language. It can be difficult for students to write clearly in a second language, as their native language may have different requirements for tenses and placement for sentence structure. Teachers often face problems with sentence formatting and grammatical requirements needed for writing to be coherent.

Building Vocabulary Base

Building up a student’s English vocabulary is one of the first issues teachers instructing students in a second language face. Thinking about one object and remembering two identifying names for it can be confusing for younger and older students. Incorporating interactive lessons to identify common objects and images is a great starting place for building vocabulary for everyday items. Activities and practice material focusing on recognizing and using words with the correct spelling are key elements of instructing students in English as a second language.

IV.             Inconclusion

To my observation teacher-student relationship provide an essential foundation for effective classroom management and classroom management is a key to empower student to get high achievement on their academic performance. Meanwhile as a teacher have to be stand on the morality and teaching methodology and must respect the rule. Teacher- student relationships should not be left to change or dictated by the personalities of those involved. Instead, by using strategies supported by research, teachers can influence the dynamics of their classrooms and build strong the relationship that will support students learning. The study of current issues in relation to English education in Cambodia could provide us not only with several different perspectives to view the teaching of English at Cambodian schools, brutal so with multiple vantage points from which to better comprehend English education. This is because of the universal nature of second language learning and of the language teachers ‘professionalism. It could bear glued that this universal nature is also due to the globalization phenomena of “interconnectedness” between our politics, economy, and culture, and the fact that English acts as a pivotal part of the “global infrastructure” for information and communication today. 


AZIRAH HASHIM, . Y. (2014). English in higher education in Cambodia. World Englishes, 506.

Middlecamp, K. K. (2017). Major Trends in the Global ELT Field. In K. Kimura, Asian-Focused ELT Research and Practice: Voices from the Far Edge (p. 10). Phnom Penh: IDP Education (Cambodia) Ltd. .

Sun, Y. (2017). A Non-navtive English Speaking Professional's Perspective. Major Trends in the Global ELT field, 19.

Sun, Y. (2017). Major Trends in the Global ELT Field. In K. K. Middlecamp, Asian-Focused ELT Research and Practice: Voices from the Far Edge (p. 20). Phnom Penh: IDP Education (Cambodia) Ltd. .






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