Discuss how to assess staff abilities and determine their needs under your leadership style.

Topic 2: Discuss how to assess staff abilities and determine their needs under your leadership style.

In all fields, leaders play a very important role in leading and managing staffs to reach the firms' purpose or goal. To be a good leader is not easy. This required the person equipped with knowledge, experiences, and well behaved. The leader has to apply to some specific theories which are the bride to help the leader goes to the right path in his or her leading in the institution.  There are many theories to implementing, but in advance a leader should learn about the need of the staff and culture environment in their organization before taking the theory into practice, to make the best fit between theory and people. In the mid-1950s, humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow created a theory of basic, psychological and self-fulfillment needs that motivate individuals to move consciously or subconsciously through levels or tiers based on our inner and outer satisfaction of those met or unmet needs. The five levels of needs, which represent the order of importance to the individual, are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization.

1.      Physiological needs included for food, water, and shelter. Organizations or leader might satisfy these needs by providing a base salary and basic working conditions such as heat, air conditioning, and cafeteria services.

2.       Safety needs include protection against danger, threat, and deprivation, including avoidance of anxiety. Leaders can provide these needs with safe working conditions, fair rules and regulation, job security, pension and insurance plans, salary increased, and freedom t unionize.

3.      Social needs include affection, affiliation, friendship, and love. Leaders might meet these needs by including employee centered supervision, providing opportunities for teamwork, following the group norms, and sponsoring group activities such as organized sports programs and school or districtwide picnics.

4.      Esteem needs focus on self-respect and include recognition and respect from others. Fulfilling esteem needs produces feeling of self-confidence. Leaders can satisfy this need through recognition and award programs, articles in the district newsletter, programs, promotions, and prestigious job titles.

5.      Self-actualization needs focus on the attainment of one’s full potential for continued self-development. School leaders might provide self-actualization by involving employees in planning job designs, making assignments that capitalize on employees’ unique skills, and relaxing structure to permit employees’ personal growth and self-development.

I have learnt many theories in class with a professor like theory X and Y and they have advantages and disadvantages for the leader to practice, theory x focuses more on negative way to their employee by being said employees dislike and avoid to their responsibility and the employer to more control on them. On other hand theory Y gives more freedom to the employees by letting them have self-responsibility and self-controlled on their job, but the most attractive theory for me is theory Z because this theory is very unique and synergize between employers and employees are in one have to take all effort to achieve the task as in the organization. Employer doesn't let their employees doing their job alone but the whole part of organization, which is collective responsibility, the attitude toward innovation: the whole is better than some parts, and the ability to control is using the implicit control by loyalty to team and the companies that use Theory Z use job rotation, focus on training and individual responsibility. Employees are given a chance to get to know the fact of the company and gain insight into each position to improve their skill set. The training leads to consistent on improvement in the performance of employees, by doing so the employees will be enjoyable to work in their organization or firm for the last longer and also the individuals have more higher responsibility, and leaders may help them develop their skills and respond to the suggest for improvements. Appraisals are regular, although they are used to encourage open communication rather than control.

In conclusion, what I have mentioned above, firms that use Theory Z endorse the use of the base concept as a model for motivation. Incentives include the chance for the organization and employees to bond for mutual benefit. Employees are often given lifetime employment or tenure, and that gives them a sense of loyalty to the business. During adverse situations, the shareholders may even forget their usual dividends to avoid the need to lay off workers. Theory Z motivation also entails the involvement of employees in matters relating to their commitment and performance. When they are part of the decision-making process, they have a vested interest in the business profits and their performance.

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