Educational Initiative Proposal Sample


Educational Initiative Proposal

Immersion Program

Problem Statement

Many Universities, NGOs, and parents in Cambodia now are observed with modern technologies. Sometimes, they forget their own culture, but most parents, Universities, NGOs need their kids, students, staffs to have good character, and moral for the country and families. Moreover, there are many gangsters that happen from Universities, NGO, and parents’ kids in our country that’s why this program come up.


Immersion Program will be an independent organization and non-for-profit educational institution; it will be officially authorized and fully accredited by the Royal Government of Cambodia, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and will be in collaborations with all Universities, NGO, and parents in Cambodia. After I have designed this program, it will serve my citizens and my country how to be good humans in one society and be able to communicate with all kinds of people. One more thing, this program will be provided more moral, discipline, character building for Universities, NGO, and parents. I think it is new program in Cambodia because it doesn’t open in the public yet. After this program run, it will be increased enrollment numbers more and more.

The schedule of the immersion program for one term (3 months)

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Week 1: Introduction to immersion program

Week 5: Buddhism

Week 9: Buddhism

Week 2: Introduction Buddhism

Week 6: Characteristics Building

Week 10: Characteristics Building

Week 3: Introduction to Characteristics Building

-          Practice theories in the social

Week 7: moral code of conduct

-          Practice theories in the social

Week 11: moral code of conduct

-          Practice theories in the social

Week 4: Introduction to moral code of conduct

-          Exam 1

-          Share Experiences Workshop

Week 8:

- Practice week 5, week 6, and week 7 (Role play the real histories in the society and life)

- Exam 2

- Share Experiences Workshop

Week 12:

- Practice week 9, week 10, and week 11 (Role play the real histories in the society and life)

- Exam 3

- Share Experiences Workshop



54 Hour (For ACC only 84 Hour)


Note: Students can enroll both Male and Female. They can choose any time from morning (8:00 Am to 11 Am), afternoon (2:00 to 5:00 Pm), and evening (5:30 to 8:30 Pm). The period of the term will be only three months. Each student can study 3 days per week and 1:30 hour per day. They can choose Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday or Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Every week 4 of each month, all students have to take exam, design topic that relate characteristics, moral in their own societies for role play, enjoy the sharing experiences at workshop, and go to practice the theories from week 1 to week3 in the real society.


1.      To build up the character of Cambodian to be strong with good discipline, morality, and equipped with high moral code of conduct, virtues

2.      Develop individual into his/her full potential as human being

3.      Respectable professional skills

Strategic Plan


Action Plan (AP)2

When to Implement AP3

Strategy 1:

-          Raise funds from donors for the startup

AP 1.1:

-          Write a proposal to raise funds from donors living broad

AP 1.2:

-          Raise funds from my friends, government, and some khmer people who feel to help khmer with this program.



AP3. 1:



Year 1


-          Convince Universities, NGOs, and parents to enroll their students, or children in this program.

AP 2.1:

-             Build a special group marketing that are able to talk directly to potential customers: Universities, NGOs, and parents

-             AP 2.2: Advertise the program in magazines, newspapers, radios, brochures, and TV

AP3 2:



Year 2

Strategy 3:

-          Look for the educators, monks, Acha, and some of character building, personal growth, morality, Buddhism to work in this program.

AP 3.1:

- Ask monks or Acha to get involved in this program as volunteers. 

AP 3.2:

-      Recruit and hire teachers with experiences teaching and have skills to be a teacher in this program.

AP3 3:



Year 2


Human Resources

Human resources are very important to run this program. The immersion program will be directed by me and staffed by experienced teachers of morality, monks, Achars, and former monks. The following is the organizational structure of the NGO


Organizational structure

Estimated Budget

Startup Capital


Estimated Cost



$ 1500.00

Payment for Ministry of interior

Building/Facilities/Equipment, and Land purchase


Payment for land purchase, Equipment, Facilities, and Building


$ 350

Marketing by TV, Radio, and Newspaper


$ 117,248


Annual Operation Budget


Estimated Cost


Human Resources

$ 154,200.00

Payment for all staff per year


$  700

Payment for marketing per year

Finance (interest on loans)

$ 200,000.00

Loan from the bank to buy land and build the own building


$ 354,900.00



Request for Approval/Investment

It gives more benefit for Cambodian youths to develop their own human being with characteristics building, moral code of conduct, virtues and respectable professional skills. It also gives more benefits to Universities, NGO, and the parents.

1.      Universities:

- They can get more disciplined for their students.

- Students can get 3 credits for transferring to their own Universities in Cambodia

- It saves time for Universities to control the bad students who are poor moral.

- Get a certificate

    2. NGO:

            - To build good relationship between NGO and NGO

            - To build good team work in their daily operation

            - Get a certificate

3. Parents:

            - To build disciplined for the children

            - The happiness will be better and better in the families.

            - Cut down the worrying from parents to their children

            - Get a certificate



        I.            Dr. Ly Monirith (Ph.D.) has given more ideas for immersion topic

     II.            My manager Mr. Hor Sophanna gave me more ideas to write this topic

  III.            Interview my friend monk

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