Four Corner Level 4: Mock Exam For Final


GESL 4 Final Exam - Term June 9, 2021

Core English 


   A. Filling in the blanks                                                                                                      (10 marks)

        Choose the words in the boxes to fill in the spaces.

0)   I can eat papaya salad as often as I want. It is my            favorite            food.

   B. Writing sentences                                                                                                         (10 marks)

        Write sentences using words given.

0)   expensive (adj.)            I don’t have enough money to buy that car. It is too expensive.        


   A. Present Perfect                                                                                                              (10 marks)

   i. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses. Use Present Perfect.                          

      0) How long      have     you     been     (be) here?

ii. The past participle in each sentence is incorrect. Rewrite it in a correct spelling.       (10 marks)

0)  I have studyed English for three years.                studied

   B. So / too / neither / either                                                                                                (10 marks)

         Circle the correct answer a / b / c / d

0)   Carol works at ABC, and ____________ Tracy.

a. so is                         b. so does                    c. neither is                  d. neither does

C. Articles                                                                                                                           (10 marks)

   Fill in blanks using articles a / an / the

0)   Could you pass me    a          of water, please?

D. Infinitives of purpose                                                                                                    (10 marks)

   Write the sentences given in another way using infinitive of purpose.

0)   I come to PUC because I want to study English.

I come to PUC to study English.                                                                                


SECTION III: READING COMPREHENSION                                                       (15 marks)

Read the text and answer the questions.

SECTION IV: WRITING                                                                                                      (15 marks)

Choose ONE of the three topics given. Write a 60-word paragraph.

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