English's Lesson Plan Samples for Teaching English

#English's Grammar Lesson Plan  

#English's Lesson Plan for Listening 

#English's Lesson Plan for Speaking  

#English's Communicative Lesson Plan  

#English's Writing Lesson Plan  

Lesson Plan for Speaking

Level                      : Headway Pre-Intermediate 5th edition

Duration                 : 1:10 hour

Material/Textbook : Headway Pre-Intermediate, Unit 10 (the Fifth edition)

Classroom               : Online

Aim         : To revised “ words that go together”

Objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

-          Define the form of passives and words that go together (knowledge)

-          Know how to do exercise of active to passive  

-          Recognize about forming the passive (skill)

-          Practice the word that go together and do the exercise Describe the value things and kind of what they like doing with real words in daily life.  (attitude)




1.      Lesson opener:

-          The teacher greets the students by saying “Good morning everyone” & “How you are today?”

Teacher asks the date: “What day is today?”

Teacher checks the attendance.



Warmer: Teacher tells students about new Unit 10: All-time greats! by writing on the write board. Students will discuss about the title of the unit







·          Pre-Speaking Task (s)


1)       Revise/pre-teach vocabulary teacher elicits vocabulary:

-          Worldwide /ˈwəːl(d)wʌɪd,wəːl(d)ˈwʌɪd/ adjective extending or reaching throughout the world.

-          Artificial intelligence (n) the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

-           History (n) the study of past events, particularly in human affairs

-          Colleagues /ˈkɒliːɡ/ noun a person with whom one works in a profession or business.

-          Academy /əˈkadəmi/ noun a place of study or training in a special field.

-          Software /ˈsɒf(t)wɛː/  noun the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

-          Publisher /ˈpʌblɪʃə/ noun a company or person that prepares and issues books, journals, or music for sale.


2)      Revise target item:

Teacher tries to elicit passive sentence in positive, negative, and questions

*    Positive

Reporters write news reports.

News reports are written by reporters.

• My father fixed our computers.

• Our computers were fixed by my father.

*   Negative

She does not invite me to parties.

I am not invited to parties by her.

The dog did not chase the cat.

The cat was not chased by the dog.

*      Use:

1.      We use the passive voice when the subject is not important or when we do not know the subject. For instance, scientists often use the passive voice to talk about their experiments, since the results of an experiment are more important than the people who carried it out.

Active voice: We carried out this experiment to test a new cancer treatment.

Passive voice: This experiment was carried out to test a new cancer treatment. (= It does not matter who carried out the experiment)

2.      The passive voice is also used to avoid revealing the subject. For instance, if you notice your roommate often leaves the bathroom lights on, you can say:

Active: I noticed that you often leave the bathroom lights on.

Passive: I noticed that the bathroom lights are often left on.

By using the passive voice, you avoid directly blaming your roommate.

How do we form the Passive Voice?

A sentence in the active voice focuses on the subject:

  • Subject + Verb + Object
  • The bear ate a fish.
  • John broke our TV.

A sentence in the passive voice focuses on the action:

  • Subject + Helping Verb be + Past Participle (+ 'by' Agent of Action)
  • The fish was eaten (by the bear).
  • Our TV was broken by John.

In the sentences above, the agents (in parentheses) can be omitted.

Other forms of the Passive Voice

To negate a sentence in passive voice, put 'not' after the helping verb: Subject + Helping Verb be + 'not' + Verb (past participle)

  The fish was not eaten.

   The TV was not broken.

To form the passive voice in future tense, use the future tense of the helping verb 'be'.

  • The fish will be eaten.
  • The TV will not / won't be broken.

3)      Controlled Practice:

With Agent

  • The museum will be visited by millions of people. (= Millions of people will visit the museum.)
  • Once a week, the house is cleaned by the housekeeper. (= Once a week, the housekeeper cleans the house.)
  • was hit by somebody. (= Somebody hit me.)

Without Agent

  • Dinner is served at 6:00. (= They serve dinner at 6:00.)
  • The table is set. (= We set the table.)
  • The money wasn’t stolen. (= Nobody stole the money.)






































·        Main Speaking tasks

Less-controlled practice

Ask students to read and listen to the whole article page 101. Correct the false information in these sentences.


1.      Nearly 495 million games have been sold worldwide.

2.      It was discovered by a Russian publisher.

3.      Tetris was the only game enjoyed by his colleagues.

4.      The game is made up of colored circles.

5.      It is too difficult to be played by children.

6.      It can’t be played in many countries.

7.      The smartphone was the first hand-held computer.

8.      There is some doubt that Tetris will be downloaded in the future.










-       The teacher checks students whether understand the instructions in the activity by asking them to explain the teacher or asks them questions.

-       The teacher monitors the class and notes down some mistakes if necessary.

-       Give short feedback and correct some mistakes if necessary, by writing them on the board.

-       Teacher conducts short feedback and corrects some mistakes

Communicative Practice

1)       Pair Work:

- Work with a partner. Look at the list of inventions. Which is the oldest? Which is the newest? Page 102

Ex: I think the telephone was invented in 190.

       What do you think?

the telephone

the Apple PC

the ballpoint pen




the printing press

T’sai Lun

Johannes Gutenberg

Alexander Graham Bell

Guglielmo Marconi

John Logie Baird

Laszlo Biro

Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak









-          Students answer questions and write the answers in their book.

-          Students complete their answers in textbook.

-          Students swap their book to check his/her answers.

-          Teacher asks 2-3 students read their answers.

-          Monitor the class and note down some mistakes if necessary.

-          Then teacher check their answers and correct their mistakes in the whole class.

2)       Discussion.

Teacher asks students to work in group 3 to 4 members to answer Which inventions do you think are most important? Why? Order them 1-7 (1 is most important). Discuss your idea as a class.

-          Teacher monitors and walk around and note down some mistakes.

-          Then teacher ask 1 or 2 of each group to tell their friends.

-          Then teacher corrects some mistakes.



Post Speaking Task (writing Practice)

-          Teacher tells students to write the two nouns can go together to make a compound noun.

-          Then asks students to write it in their notebook.

-          The teacher monitors students and takes notes. Provide help if necessary.

-          Since they finished writing, the teacher asks them to swap their writing with their neighbors and give some comments on their partner’s writing.

-          The teacher calls a few students to present their writing to the class.

Developing Positive Attitude

Go through the following questions as a whole class.

1.      What do you think about this lesson?

2.      What do you learn from that?

-          Teacher call the name of the students for the answers.


Lesson closure: give feedback or comment on lesson, assign homework, say good bye

Communicative Lesson Plan

Level                        : Headway Pre-Intermediate 5th edition

Duration                  : 1:30 hour

Material/Textbook : Headway Pre-Intermediate, Unit 10 (the Fifth edition)

Classroom               : Online

Aim: To teach “Verb + noun, Adverb + past participle”

Objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

-       Understand the form of making the adverbs that can combine with past participle. (knowledge)

-       Can use “adverbs with past participle in the sentences” accurately and fluently through several speaking practice activities. (Skills)

-       Making a good communication with people affectively (Attitude)



Lesson opener: greeting, asking about the date, telling SS about the lesson


Warmer (optional): Brainstorming everyday activities.

20 Mins

Presentation stage:

1.    Pre-teach



Base Form / Past Simple / Past Participle

Verb / Verb + ed / Verb + ed

work / worked / worked

Verbs ending in ‘Y’

Verb / Verb + ied / Verb + ied

study / studied / studied



These are ALL different!

Please see below and memorize them!



2.    Set the scene

Complete these sentences with an adjective formed with well- or badly- and one of these past participles.

done     paid      written      equipped     behaved        dressed         known


1.      She has a wonderful job. She’s very_________.

2.      I didn’t enjoy that novel. It was really_________.

3.      You don’t need to spend a lot of money on clothes to look_________.

4.      Our office is really ____________ . We have all the latest machines.

5.      I hope they don’t bring their dogs. They’re so __________.

6.      Can I have my steak very________ please? I don’t like it rare.

7.      Surely, you’ve heard of Ed Sheeran? He’s ________ singer.

3.    Introduce the target item:

Teacher asks students to talk about themselves by asking the questions and answers with their partner

1.   Do you ever play computer games? Which?

2.   Do you send a lot of text messages? Who to?

3.   Do you take a lot of photos on your phone?

4.   Who does the most housework in your home?

5.   How do you like your steak?

6.   Is your school well-equipped?

7.   What do you thing is the most important discovery ever made?

4.    Comprehension check

After students compare answers in pairs, then teacher check the answer with the whole class. And ask 2 or 3 pairs group to read in the whole class.

5.     Highlight the target item;

Teacher keeps asking to get the target item from students

Past Participle

past participle indicates a completed action.

For most verbs, the past participle is the same as the past tense and is created by adding a d, ed or ied at the end of the word. These are called regular verbs.

However, the past participles of irregular verbs do not end in ed and may not be the same as the past tense of the verb. Since they are irregular, they do not follow any pattern and the best way to learn them would be to repeat and memorize them.

Present Perfect Tense

We join have or has to the past participle of the verb to form the present perfect tense:

have/has + past participle = present perfect tense


They have gone to the movies.
have lost my wallet.
has done her homework.
Have you found your keys yet?
has not rained for months.
has been sick.

6.    Concept checking:

Then Teacher writes the form in the box under the target item table.

·    Checking meaning:

-       What does the meaning of past participle?

·      Checking use:

-  The past participle is used with the verb have (have / has / had) to create the present and past perfect tenses. The past participle form is also used to modify nouns and pronouns. One example is the phrase sliced bread. The past participle is usually the same as the past tense form.

20 Mins











18 Mins






 Practice stage:

1.    Controlled Practices:

Teacher asks students to read an article on page 104. Love football or hate football-most people round the world have heard of Manchester United.

After read the article answers the questions

1.      Who were the first players for the club?

2.      What happened 24 years after the club was first founded?

3.      What is the “Theatre of dreams”?

4.      How did Matt Busby make the team more successful?

5.      Why did Matt have to create another team?

6.      Who was also a successful manager? Why?

7.      Why is Man. U the most valuable football brand worldwide?

8.      How do famous companies use Man. U to advertise themselves?

Less Controlled Practice:

-          Teacher play the video to learn more about how football can change people’s lives.

-          Teacher makes the questions to ask the students to make sure that students understand the video they are watching.



20 Mins

Production stage/Free practice:

v Speaking Activity:

Look at the chart. Are you an A or a B? How many As and Bs are there in your class?

Answer the questions and discuss them together.

A I like sport

What sports do you like? When? How often? Who with?

Do you watch sport? What? Where?

Do others in your family like sport? Who? What?

B I don’t like sport

Why? Have you always disliked it?

Do you ever watch sport? Where?

Do you do any form of exercise? What?

Do people in your family like sport? Who? What?


Developing positive attitude: 

Teacher gets the students to thinks and discuss answers to the following questions:

  1. What do you learn from this sport?  
  2. What kind of sport do you like to play and how does it help to your health and body?

2 mins

Lesson closure: Assign students to read next lesson. Say good-bye to students









Writing Lesson Plan

Level                        : Headway Pre-Intermediate 5th edition

Duration                  : 1:30 hour

Material/Textbook : Headway Pre-Intermediate, Unit 10 (the Fifth edition)

Classroom               : Online


To practice writing discussion pros and cons in social media site


By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

-          Distinguish the purpose of the paragraph (knowledge)

-          Use linking words pros and cons properly “clearly, first of all, another advantage is that, such as, however, firstly, secondly, Finally, Despite the disadvantages, the fact is that” (skills)

-           Write an pros and cons paragraph properly (skills)

-          Express politeness through a responding letter (attitude).

Target Items:

writing about pros and cons in the paragraph

2 Mins

Lesson opener: greeting, asking about the date, telling about the lesson.


Warmer: Slap the board


Pre-writing task (s)

         Steps for eliciting new vocabs:

·         Eliciting a word by using any suitable eliciting technique

·         Checking the meaning of a word

·         Modeling a word twice or three times

·         Choral repetition and then individual repetition

·         Writing a word on the board checking pronunciation, word stress, form (part of speech) and meaning

·         Students are copying a word from the board



Pre-teach new vocabulary:

-          Social media site:  "social media" as "forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)"

-          Excellent /ˈɛks(ə)l(ə)nt/ adjective extremely good; outstanding.

-         Interest /ˈɪnt(ə)rɪst/ noun the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.

-         Request /rɪˈkwɛst/ noun an act of asking politely or formally for something.

-         Hobbies /ˈhɒbi/ plural noun an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

-         Imagine /ɪˈmadʒɪn/ verb form a mental image or concept of.

Reading comprehension:

·         The teacher gets students to open their book on page 108.

·         The teacher asks the students to the note

Read these notes. How many of your ideas are included?

How many can you add?

What do you think are the most important pros and cons?

Revise the target item:

·         The teacher tries to elicit some ideas on the questions

·         The teacher writes the sentences on the board.


Main writing task (s)

·         Teacher asks the students to put the linking works on the left into the correct place in the lines of each.

·         The teacher monitors students by walking around the class and provide help if necessary

·         The teacher asks them to swap their writing and read it.

·         The teacher asks some students to read their writing to the class

·         The teacher corrects or gives feedback on their writing.

  1. Free-writing practice:

·         The teacher asks students to get into pairs.

·         Teacher asks students to make notes about the advantages and disadvantages of one of these topics. Then write a text similar to the one above

-          Smartphone

-          Google (or anther search engine)

-          Twitter

·         Teacher asks the pairs to brainstorm and note down the news, they have meet, and activities they enjoy it, what they thinking about.

·         The teacher asks students to include sentences with a period of time.

·         The teacher asks students to write it in their notebook

·         To be clear, the teacher asks two students to explain the instruction in order to make they understood what to do.

·         The teacher monitors students and takes notes and provide some help if necessary.

·         The teacher asks a few students to read their work to the class.



Post writing task (Reading practice)

The teacher asks the class the following questions:

1.What are the pros and cons of social media?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using internet?

The teacher asks the students to write their own ideas and share it to their friends in the class and other friends at somewhere.


Developing positive attitudes

           Go through the following questions as a whole class.

·         Do you think using social media can bring more benefit for students?

·         What is the good point that social media or internet help you to improve your study?

·         What are the advantages of using social media? (Making friends, email for improve writing, build good relationship with new or old friends, and etc…)


Lesson Closure: Give feedback on the lesson, talk about next lesson, say goodbye


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