Action Research Proposal: The matter of Buddhist High School students in grade 8th do not like to speak English in the Classroom

Table of Contents


I.     Background. 3

II.   Research Question. 4

III.      Research Methods. 4

IV.      Discussion and Analyzes. 4

1. Teacher data survey collections. 4

2. Students data survey collections. 6

V.   Conclusion and Recommendation. 9

1.    Suggestion to Students. 9

2.    Suggestion to Teachers. 10

Reference. 12

Appendix. 13

I.                  Background

Action research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education generally for some time. It is related to the ideas of 'reflective practice' and 'the teacher as researcher'. AR involves taking a self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach to exploring our teaching contexts. In AR, a teacher becomes an 'investigator' or 'explorer' of his or her teaching context, while at the same time being one of the participants in it. So, one of the main aims of AR is to identify a 'problematic' situation or issue that the participants – who may include teachers, students, managers, administrators, or even parents – consider worth looking into more deeply and systematically. The point is that, as teachers, we often see gaps between what is actually happening in our teaching situation and what we would ideally like to see happening. The central idea of the action part of AR is to intervene deliberately in the problematic situation to bring about changes and, even better, improvements in practice. Importantly, the improvements that happen in AR are ones based on information (or to use the research term, data) that an action researcher collects systematically (Burns).

Although nowadays there many Cambodia students study English it seems most of them do not want to speak English in the classroom. I am a parttime English teacher at Buddhist High School, teaching English for Cambodia Book, teach from Monday to Friday evening shift and there are 30 students in the class and I would like to take this practical experience with the students in this above mention to track on the problems in the class to write in here and decided to conduct action research to find the answer to this issue.

II.               Research Question

This research paper will be conducted to find the answer to the question:

“What is the matter of Buddhist high school students in grade 8th do not want to speak English in the classroom?”

III.           Research Methods

In this research uses quantitative methods to collect information to fulfil the case study report. Firstly, we create questionnaires, and there are 14 questions which are 6 questions for teachers and 8 questions for students. Most of the questions have multiples choice and open questions and call and vioce for an interview via Facebook chat. For this online survey, it spent about 20 minutes to complete and the questionnaires will put on, in the case finding below. Secondly, the researcher makes the questionnaire preparing in the google form and send to the teachers and the students separately in the group chat among 30 students. This research conducted in Bun Rany Hun Sen Buddhist High School at Wat Kropheuha Takhmau Town where I have taught for almost two years. Most students are in grade 8 between the age of 15-20 years old and all of them are Buddhist monks from different monasteries who come to study there. The researcher has also interviewed some English teachers who teach in private and public school as well, located around Takhmau town to make sure that the data collection is reliable. 

IV.            Discussion and Analyzes

1. Teacher data survey collections

In this data shows bellow, the researcher has surveyed two different questionnaires for teachers and students. There are 11 English teachers and 30 students to reference more on my observation whether they have some answers in the common issue. This graph shows that among 11 teachers most of them are PUC English teachers that had joined in this survey and there also have some teachers who teach in other private schools as well.

2. How many students in your class?

We have interviewed with 11 teachers who currently teaching English in private schools. The numbers of the students in their classes around 4 to 17 and 23 to 30.


 3. Do you always speak English with your students in the class?

This question we also interviewed with all 11 teachers and the result show that there are 10 teachers most of them are always speak English with their students in the class only one teacher used both language mother language and English language.

This chart above illustrates the answers of 11 teachers observed the students like speaking English in the classes. There are 8 of teacher’s mentions about the students, most of them like to speak English in the class and others three teachers said students do not want to speak English in the class.

    5. As a teacher, do you know why students don’t want to speak English in the class?

We have interviewed with teachers by asking them the above question most of teachers come up with common answers. There are four teacher’s response to this question that, students are not confident about speaking in the class and the other six teachers have mention that students feel shy and do not know about English words and grammar and has some effect on their classmate because many of them do not speak English in the class and need more encouragement from teachers themselves.

     6. How do you motivate your students to speak English in the class?

From this question, we got responded from five teachers who have mentions that, teachers should tell to students to speak English in the class and three teachers answers that, most of their class. They have set the class rule to students to speak English and also give extra score for students who are active in the class.  For the other three teachers responded that, teachers have to encouraged by propose topics to the students to speak English in the class mentor and give some feedback to students. On the other hand, in common teachers always tell them about the importance of speaking English.

2. Students data survey collections

            In these survey questions, we have limited the target for only 30 students but it has 44 responses. Since we do online survey that is why the target get more over the limited.

The amount of the respondent's, we reach out to 44 students through an online survey. Since the pandemic situation and most of this correspondence are Buddhist monks who study at Bun Rany Hun Sen Buddhist high school. This chart also illustrates the number shows the experience of learning English, many of them studied English around 1 to 3 years which are 21 students and 47.7 percentages, for the experience of learning English between 3 to 6 has 10 students which are 22.7 percentages and from 6 to 7 have 10 years is more than the second result. 

This chart show that, the number of students who always speak English in the class. We found that only 14 students which is 31.8 percentages like to speak English and only 3 students who dislike speaking English and for the rest which has the highest amount who sometimes speaking English in the class is 29 students equal 65.9 percentages.

This graph illustrates the purpose of an English learner, many students choose communication which is 28 students equal 65.1 percentages and for education purpose a bit lower than, which is 25 students equal 58.1 percentages and the lowest is a hobby which is only 3 students.

 This graph above, we ask the students about teacher speaking English in the class while they are teaching and the result found there are 27 students which are 62.8 percentages that teacher always speak English and has only 17 students which are 39.5 percentages that teachers sometimes speak English in the class while teaching and there are no teachers who do not speak English in the class.  

In this chart, we want to know the motivation and encouragement of teachers who motivate students to speak English in the class. We found some different answers that have chosen.  A lot of students agreed that teachers always encourage them to speak English in the class which is 35 students equal 79.5 percentages and less motivate has only 10 students which are 22.7 percentages for no motivation has only 1 student.

V.               Conclusion and Recommendation

All in all, to reflect on the data found above many teachers want their students to speak more English language in the class with their classmate and teachers have also encouraged them but there also have some teachers that have less motivation to their students to speak English as well. Anyhow it is difficult for students themselves since many of them are have little experience in English language learning. They do not know the words to speak and do not have enough confidence to speak English in the class and most of them have a different level of English language. Although, to the role as the teachers have to help their students by observing each student's capacity and try to project more regarding speaking English in the class.    

1.      Suggestion to Students

To improve English speaking skill, students should not be shy to speak English out even though your English ability is not so good. Do not just wait until your English is perfect then start to speak because the only practice can help you be perfect with English speaking.

Furthermore, although your English pronunciation is not so good, you can sharpen it every day by trying to watch Pronunciation lessons in YouTube program many English native speakers are teaching in that program with free of charge. Every time you are in those lessons (English pronunciation), you must try to repeat after them as much as, and as loud as you can. Doing so, it can help train your tongues and sounds.

Moreover, do not just depend on your English teachers. They can only show you the way to walk, but they cannot walk for you. Studying only in the class is not enough, so you need to have a self-study class which is a very beneficial and powerful way to build up your English ability.

One more thing, there might be nobody able to speak English to you at home (English environment problem), but you can create English environment by yourself by listening to English songs, watching the movie in English, finding friends who can speak English to you through the Facebook, Line, Skype, Twitter, and so on.

            English environment is everywhere nowadays. Besides, you should try to practice your English with foreigners from around the world. In the beginning, you might have fear, be nervous or shy to speak to them, but if you want to make a profit, you have to invest. In the meal while, if you want to get rid of your fear, you have to do the thing that you are afraid of. So, walk to them and invest your English knowledge with them, then you will earn many English profits from them.

 The last of all, you should set self-discipline to improve your English. You can set the rule for yourself that “I must speak English at least 30 minutes every day” You can practice speaking it before or after bedtime. You will see the great results of the rule in one year if you can do it.

2.      Suggestion for Teachers

To help students improve English speaking skills, teachers should set clear lesson plans making them short and sharp. When you prepare your lesson plans by leaving longer times for students to speak, they will get an opportunity to practice their English speaking in class even they do not speak English outside the class. 

Furthermore, you should be strict with some students who do not speak English in class fining ones who speak the Khmer language in a class by deducting their scores or by any acceptable punishments. Some students are very lazy to speak English. They think that speaking in their language is easier.

Then, some students are not lazy to speak English, but they are not brave enough to speak. Maybe it is because their English ability is not good enough to speak, but you can urge them to speak and praise them in front of other classmates even though they might make mistakes with grammar or pronunciation. Doing so, students will be happy and feel free to speak English out without being afraid or nervous.

Additionally, teachers should motivate students about the significances of English-speaking skill. Sometimes, if you only teach English and focus only on your subjects or lessons, students might not care much or do not feel strong in developing their English-speaking abilities. But, if you urge them, encourage them and inspire them about necessaries of English speaking, they will be alert and have strong determination to increase their English speaking.

One more important thing, teachers should also provide students with the topics for them to speak or assign them to act in a short story speaking in English. To do so, students will feel funny and happy. This is called active learning. Every time you assign them to do that kind of work, do not forget to give them the scores because students love scores. They will try to speak or act as they do not want to lose their scores (Chamnan, C.E. 2017).

Moreover, teachers should bring students to some tourist places to get students to practice speaking English with foreigners. It is really helpful to help students address themselves speaking English to foreigners. They might be afraid to speak for the first time, but if you help them, be close to them, students will feel warm to speak. Next times, they will get used to a habit of speaking English to foreigners without needing your help. The last, learning by doing is the best method ever in the history of successful teachers. Teachers should know that teachers are not only teachers, but also eyes-openers, entertainers, trainers, and so on.



Burns, A. (n.d.). Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching. New York And London: Taylor & Francis Group.

Chamnan, V. T. (C.E. 2017). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS OF CAMBODIAN. Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalaya University.

Mastin, L. (2017). The Importance of Learning English in Cambodia. Retrieved from






Questions to the teacher:

1.      Which school do you work for?


2.      How many students in your class?


3.      Do you always speak English with your students in the class?


4.      Do your students like to speak English in the class?


5.      As a teacher, do you know why students don’t want to speak English in the class?


6.      How do you motivate your students to speak English in the class?



Questions to the students:

1.      How long have you studied English?




2.      Do you always speak in English in the class?




3.      Do you like to speak English in your class?



a little

4.      What kind of skill do you want to improve in English language learning?





5.      What is your purpose of learning the English language?




6.      Does your teacher always speak English in the class?




7.      Do you want your teacher to speak English in the class?



8.      Does your teacher encourage you to speak English in the class?



A little

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