Overview of Verb Tenses

1. The simple tenses 

2. The progressive tenses 

3. The perfect tenses

4. The perfect progressive tenses

1.      The Simple Tenses

Tenses and Use



Simple Present

In general, the simple present expresses events or situation that exist always, usually, habitually; it exists now, has existed in the past, and probably will exist in the future.

             -    It rains in Cambodia.

-                       -   Dara watches television every day.




Simple Past

At one particular time in the past, this happened. It began and ended in the past.

-              It rained in Cambodia yesterday.

-          Dara watched television last night.



Simple Future

At one particular time in the future, this will happen.

-          It will rain in tomorrow.

-          It is going to rain tomorrow.

-          Dara will watch television tonight.

-          Dara is going to watch television tonight.



2.      The Progressive Tenses

Form: be + verb-ing

Meaning: The progressive tenses; give the idea that an action is in progress during a particular time. The tenses say that an action begins before, is in progress during, and continues after another time or action.


Present Progressive


-          Dara is sleeping right now.

It is now 2:00 pm. Dara went to sleep at 1:00 pm and he is still asleep. His sleep began in the past, is in progress at the present time, and probably will continues.


Past Progressive


            Dara was sleeping when I arrived.

Dara went to sleep at 1:00 pm. I arrived at 2:00 pm. He was still asleep. His sleep began before and was in progress at a particular time in the past. It continued after I arrived.



Future Progressive


-          Dara will be sleeping when I arrive.

Dara will go to sleep at 1:00 pm this afternoon. I will arrive at 2:00 pm. The action of sleeping will begin before I arrive, and it will be in progress at a particular time in the future.  



1.      The Perfect Tenses

Form: have/has + past participle

Meaning: The perfect tenses all give the idea that one thing happens before another time or event.


Present Perfect


-          Dara has already eaten.

Dara finished eating sometime before now. The exact time is not important.


Past Perfect


-          Dara had already eaten when his friend arrived.

First Dara finished eating. Later his friend arrived.


Future Perfect


-          Dara will already have eaten when his friend arrives.

-          First Dara will finish eating. Later his friend will arrive.


2.      The Perfect Tenses

Form: have/has + been + verb-ing

Meaning: The perfect progressive tenses give the idea that one event is in progress immediately before, up to, until another time or event. The tenses are used to express the duration of the first event.


Present Perfect Progressive


-          Dara has been studying for two hours.

Event in progress: studying. When? Before now, up to now. How long? For two hours.


Past Perfect Progressive


-          Dara has been studying for two hours when his friend arrived.

Event in progress: studying. When? Before another event in the past. How long? For two hours.


Future Perfect Progressive


-          Dara will have been studying for two hours by the time his friend arrives.

Event in progress: studying. When? Before another event in the future. How long? For two hours.



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