Fear causing Stress

Fear causing Stress

Fear is the root of all problems in our life and it is the reason stress occurs. When a person feels threatened, the emotions are often tangled in a web of confusion that hinders a person from seeing the problem in full light. Many of us fear the worst possible will happen, when a threat presents itself. This is where stress management comes into focus, since most fears are explainable and exaggerated. If a person is at risk of loosing his or her job then the person has a legit reason to fear, however, if the person has stress management techniques in place the he or she would know the next move. We know the person is at risk of loosing a job, so we have question the person since we do not know why he or she is at risk. We can assume that the person violated a policy in the workplace, or else the employers are laying off workers. If the person violated a policy in the workplace, we know that he or she made a bad decision in a certain area, acting on her or his emotions rather than using the head. Now we see that the person is potential threatened by stress since this person has a failure in their stress management scheme…On other hand if the person is at risk of lay off then the situation was out of his or her control to a large degree. If the person would have been working to their fullest potentials their fellow employee may be the person at risk. On the other hand, if the person has not worked at the business for a long time then it is completely out of their control. Assuming this person has a stress management plan, including a saving account established for potential risks, we know that this person can live off this account until he or she finds a new job. We see a stress management scheme if a saving account is established, simply because planning and preparing played a part in this decision, as well as expectations. Now we see that expectations are a part of life and this is often the reason a person fears. A well-constructed stress management scheme would appear if this person knew ahead of time that a potential risk of unemployment existed. Now if this person was searching the job market to establish a new career we know that he or she is on their toes and reducing potential stress. On the other hand, if the person waited until the last moment to search for a new job then this person was obviously relying on someone else, believing a potential threat was non-existing. If the person had a well constructed stress management scheme in place he or she would have prepared, planned, put forth effort to eliminate stressors and stress, made a wise decision, and so forth. We can never determine our future and living for today is all we have, however, we do have a choice to prepare in the event fear comes our way. What about exaggerated fear? What if this person feared that he or she could never get on their feet again if they lost the job? This person is obviously stressed out, since hope and stress management is non-existing. We know that the person has hope, since jobs are available and since the person has education, experience, and skills, we know someone will hire this person. We can see that the persons fear is exaggerated and that he or she lacks confidence, self-esteem, hope, and so forth. Now we need a stress management scheme that works with the behaviors, attitude, personality, and believes. Practicing a technique can help us to build confidence, change behaviors and attitudes, and even alter our personality and believes. Therefore, we need in this scene learning skills, practicing positive influences, a better understanding of how stress works, and readjustment tools that can help the person learn how to think accordingly to life’s demands. We might even include a technique that focuses on the person’s history to see if any hidden fears exist, that is promoting this persons behaviors and thoughts.

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